Sunday, August 1, 2010

Alexa Ray Joel - Rhinoplasty


Alexa Ray Joel, daughter of Billy Joel and Christie Brinkley, has admitted to People magazine that she's had a rhinoplasty (nose job). According to the New York Daily News,

"I was thinking about getting this for years," the 24-year-old singer told People magazine. "[It's] always bothered me a little bit. I was self-conscious of pictures taken from the side." She said she underwent rhinoplasty earlier this month.

The only photos I've seen are from the front, not the side. From the front she looks a bit straighter, but otherwise the same. It sounds like she had a bump on her nose that she wanted removed, one of my favorite things to do.

Her father is one of my favorite singers. Piano Man, Scenes from an Italian Restaurant, River of Dreams, Rosalinda's Eyes, Vienna, Say Goodbye to Hollywood, etc. etc. He rocks. Awesome concert performer too. I would give my left leg for a private concert with Billy.

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